Wednesday Hill Ride

If you like to race bikes, you’ve got to do the hard training. The KC Metro area is fortunate to have three unique and fundamental rides to develop racing fitness and skills.

The Tuesday Night Training Criteriums (often referred to as the “Tuesday Night Worlds”) will fire up in a few weeks.

Starting Wednesday 3/23 is the weekly aptly named “Hill Ride”.  This challenging ride offes some tough terrain with fast pack riding between the bumps. A new course (for at least the start of 2011) due to road construction. Bring good behavior to this “Show and Go”.  6:30PM promptly rolling out from Bates City BBQ at 65th and Quivira in Shawnee. Click on the map below for the route.

Time Trials are truly the “Race of Truth”; there are plenty on the local racing schedules, most stage races you travel to includes them. Even if the TT isn’t your favorite form of pain, it’s still an essential skill. Want to roll off the front? Want to bridge back on? Doing time trial work is like eating your veggies. Important. Click here for info on two locations for monthly time trials.