Gravel cycling events are continuing to grow in popularity. The explosion of rides in the last few years and the tendency of many to be grass roots affairs (without the traditional affiliations of a governing organization) can make it a challenge to find information.
The upcoming Mullet Ride on March 5th (the historical version) is a good example. You won’t find this event on BikeReg or USAC schedules, but you will find the basics on Facebook. The Mullet has it’s own social media page and is linked to from the Gravel Calendar KC FB page, so with a little digging you can get there.
Using Google you can find a number of national calendar pages listed for gravel, but none appear to be comprehensive. It’s a big task.
At Localcycling.com we’ll do our best to identify local sources, particularly the social media pages, that offer schedules or other info.
You can find our links to event calendars here.
If you have a suggestion or source, drop us a line at mark@localcycling.com