Memorial Ride

Chris Smedley of Bike Shack sent informaion on this Wednesday's Memorial ride for the two cyclists fatally injured last week. Click the 'read more' below for details.

 I know many of you might have already received this info. I'm just making sure everyone's covered.
 Those of us that normally do the Wednesday night ride can leave a couple min. early and ride over to the Rec. center.
 We are doing this ride that evening so that Brad (Larry's oldest son) and any other family members can join us.
 Sara from ACME Bicycles will be bring out some ghost bike to be placed at the crash site as an Memorial
  The Memorial Ride will take place next Wed night the 15th at 6:30.
 Riders will leave from the Longview Lake Recreation Center parking lot. The north end of Longview College Viewhigh Dr. and 3rd.
(this is the parking lot where Summer Breeze starts)
The ride will  proceed clockwise around the lake and is a 10 mile route. Riders will ride slowly
and quietly.
 It will be hot so even though it is a short ride bring water!!!!
This is the route the Gaunts were taking as they were hit from behind.
 The press will be there. Please make every effort to attend. Show our support, help increase our visibility, let the community know how much we care, show the community there are LOTS of us here also using the roads of Kansas City.
The Gaunts will NOT be forgotten.

There will also be an opportunity to donate to the
Larry and Sierra Guant Memorial fund at the ride which is a scholarship fund care of the Bank of Lee's Summit and will benefit Sierra's three brothers.
Arm bands and bottles will be sold later at the summer breeze and other places to raise even more money.
Pass this info to anyone you know would like to come. Even if they don't ride much right now they can follow carefully behind in a car!

Chris Smedley
Bicycle Shack
10415 Blue Ridge Blvd.
Kansas City, Mo. 64134