Major Taylor Foundation Fundraiser

Mark your calendars for Saturday night November12th. The Slimenundgrossen racing team is throwing a party to raise money for the Major Taylor Foundation of Kansas City and to show off our team colors with a presentation….

The event wil be held at the Cup and Saucer restauraunt in the River Market. A $25 door donation gets you food, wine, live music and some end of season surprises. All this fun is also for a good cause. The MTFoundaion is inspired by the legacy of the great Marshall "Major" Taylor, one of the most popular atheltes of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Taylor happened to be African-American and despite tremendous racial intolerance became a national and world champion cyclist. The MTFoundation of Kansas City seeks to educate, mentor and provide support for all you interested in becoming involved in cycling, including racing, group rides, commuting or bicycle maintenence. Watch for complete details on this grand event.