Kansas CX Championship UPDATED

This weekend is the USAC Kansas Cyclocross Championship in Leavenworth on a fresh course at St. Mary's University. The State race is the final round of the DeStad Cyclocross Van Kansas Series. Here is a map with the parking and travel info for the venue. Following the race there is a meeting of the Kansas Cycling Association. Click on the read more below for details.

Cyclocross racing in the KC metro area has grown substantially. The State race marks the half way point for our 2008-2009 cyclocross season. Races continue with more events in two more local series, plus the USAC National Championships at Tiffany Springs. And based on the weather predictions, these events should contain some different elements than the first half of the season.

11/30 Boss Cross 2

12/7 Hawk Cross

12/11-14 USAC Cyclocross Nationals

12/28 Boss Cross 3

12/31 'Cross Off The Old Year

1/4 Epic Holiday Cyclocross

1/11 Grote Prijs Shawnee


From President Roger Lomshek: "Just a reminder our annual meeting is less than two weeks away. Aside from discussing priorities for the 2009 race season we will elect two members to the KCA Board of Directors.

Please RSVP to me if you and any guests are attending so that we may have a head count for meal planning. Like our recent promoter meeting the KCA is providing a meal for all attendees.

Both my and Eric Struckhoff's one year terms have expired. I am willing to stand for re-election if you'll have me, Eric has expressed interest in handing over his duties to someone else and would rather not run again, He has served us well since the KCA was founded seven (I think) years ago. Candidates will be running for a two year term.

Eric's current duties are secretary and upgrade coordinator. Once the election has ended the newly constituted board will decide who among them will take on what tasks.

In order to run for office a candidate must be nominated by at least one other KCA voting member. To be eligible for election a candidate must be a USAC licensee in some capacity (racer, official or coach); be in good standing with USAC and KCA; reside in Kansas and be a member of a club/team that either is from Kansas or promotes a race in Kansas. The BOD is looking into (and probably will) removing the residency requirement to allow racers who spend most of their time racing in Kansas with a Kansas club to serve.

You do not have to be a club president/promoter to serve. If any of you know a racer or official who would be an asset to the KCA they are able to serve if elected.

Please forward nominations to me so that I may prepare ballots in advance (if needed).

Sherri Hahn, Chris Locke and Jef Bishop are all halfway through their two year terms and will not stand for re-election until the end of 2009.

If there are any subjects you feel need discussed please let me know so that I may prepare an agenda for the meeting.

********************MEETING LOCATION****************************

Our meeting will begin at approximately 5 PM Sunday Nov 16th after course cleanup of the State Championship Cyclocross race at St. Mary's College in Leavenworth.

We will meet at the High Noon Saloon & Brewery 206 Choctaw St Leavenworth, KS 66048 Here is the mapquest link to the Saloon which is about 3 miles north of the race site http://www.mapquest.com/maps?city=Leavenworth&state=KS&address=206+Choctaw&zipcode=66048&cat=High+Noon+Saloon+%26+Brewery

And the High Noon website

Like the recent promoters meeting the KCA will provide a meal (Spaghetti & meatballs plus salad, bread and cookies) and soft drinks, you are on your own for any booze.

Please RSVP ASAP to me so we can get a head count for planning the meal.

Roger Lomshek