With over 2000 athletes anticipated to attend the upcoming Cyclocross National Championships there is a need for 'host housing'. If you would like to host an athlete (or are travelling to KC and looking for housing) Click on the 'read more' below:
"Help keep these athletes out of the cold.
Host an athlete for Kansas City cross nationals. We all know how expensive it is to race a bike on a shoe string of a budget. So please open your doors and support the cycling community. Plus it can be a lot of fun. Contact KCCXHostHousing@gmail.com .
Can you spare space in your shack?
Hosts Needed! Got Some Space?
Can you provide a laid back, comfortable, low stress living situation where guests can come and go as they please without feeling like an intruder?
Can you provide space in fridge/counter tops to store food and offer access to your kitchen?
Can you provide access to laundry facilities and showers
Can you provide a bed of some kind with linens (a bed can consist of a blow-up mattress)?
Can you provide a quiet place to rest, relax and sleep?
Athletes: Need Some Space?
Riders Using Host Housing Should:
Be courteous at all times
Clean up after yourself
Leave everything as you found it
Upon departure it is unspoken protocol that you'll leave a card/small gift
Always, always, always leave any podium flowers for your hosts
"From a rider's perspective it is always a little uncomfortable (no matter how many times you have done it) coming into someones else's home and trying to be comfortable but a the same time not disturb their normal lives too much." Kelly Benjamin, Pro Rider, Cheerwine
Please contact: KCCXHostHousing@gmail.com