Chamois Butt’r Eurostyle Review

There’s plenty of room for bad puns ready made for Chamois cremes. Back in the day when some of the staff at started racing a lot of stuff you sat on was made of real leather. Treating the chamois with some kind of softner was essential.

In today’s world and synthetic things to sit on, it seems a less likely need. However, staff of both genders at localcycling have tried this product and found it quite beneficial. Let’s face it, sometimes ‘team shorts’ don’t have the same comfort and quality of materials as those $200 supershorts. We started using Chamois Butt’r Euro style on a

 There’s plenty of room for bad puns ready made for Chamois cremes. Back in the day when some of the staff at started racing a lot of stuff you sat on was made of real leather. Treating the chamois with some kind of softner was essential.

In today’s world and synthetic things to sit on, it seems a less likely need. However, staff of both genders at localcycling have tried this product and found it quite beneficial. Let’s face it, sometimes ‘team shorts’ don’t have the same comfort and quality of materials as those $200 supershorts. We started using Chamois Butt’r Euro style on a couple of older shorts that were sometimes a source of irritation; particularly on longer rides.

The revival effect was excellent. An irritating seam, became non-irritating on one favorite, but elderly pair.

Another staffer who had been plagued by saddle sores (enough to have to have one lanced hours before a time trial) has reduced that annoyance to almost nil. The Euro forumla’s antiseptic qualities no doubt help with that issue, while the menthol cooling effect reduces ‘prickly heat’ syndrome.

Another positive for one tester was the ‘tub’ rather than ‘tube’. Easier to apply a generous amount to insure the benefits.

Yes, this stuff can save your a**!