Road One

Want more knowledge about road cycling? Here's a great course to enhance your safety and enjoyment. Click on the 'read more':


What When Where Who? Road 1. Induro Cycling Studio. Kirmayer Fitness Center. 3901 Rainbow blvd. KUMC campus. Contact Brennan Shirk via email

What does the course cover?

Road 1 is a comprehensive lesson of riding on the road. Coverage

Includes: examination of the bicycle, clothing and equipment basics, bicycle handling basics, principles of traffic laws, bicycling in traffic, emergency maneuvers, road hazards, riding enjoyment, ride etiquette, and educating motorists.

What equipment do I need to bring?

Bicycle, Helmet, Cycling Clothing, Reflective Material (safety), Pencil/Pen, Indoor Trainer (for indoor cycling class – not mandatory), Payment ($45.00 – all forms accepted).



Are there demonstrations? Hands on learning or all book work?

All of the classroom material will be taught methodically and verbatim using the student manual BikeEd Road 1: Setting the National Standard in Bicycle Eduction Programs. The lecture will follow the chapters and

lessons provided by the League of American Bicyclists. Instructor

will host a lecture and group discussion during the morning session 9am-noon. Students will be seated at desks for note taking comfort as well as tables for efficient group projects. After lunch (1pm-3pm) videos will be shown in our state of the art theater hosting 20 RevMaster spinners and chair seating. Students will have the option to participate in cycling activities on their bike and trainers or on our spin bikes. Students have the option of utilizing this time as participants or observers (chairs will be available for seating) This portion of the class is hands on. The afternoon session (3pm-6pm) is held outside on bicycles for individuals to practice drills in the parking lot and learn on road riding techniques. A portion of our riding will be through residential areas and a short trek on a boulevard with live traffic, stoplights, and merging/turning lanes.

Students must have bicycle and helmet. Instructor will demonstrate proper riding. After discussion and practice, students will be expected to demonstrate as well.

Are we on our own for lunch?

Fruit and water will be available to students in the morning session.

Lunch will be held from noon to 1pm and students will be free to leave the premises for this hour. Road 1 fee does NOT include lunch.

However, it does include the Road 1 Student Manual and necessary documents including certification for those who pass written and practical examination.

How much break time is given?

There will be a total of three ten minute breaks and a one hour lunch.