2005 KC Cyclocross Season

The 2005 Cyclocross Season begins in earnest with September Clinics on Wednesday Evenings in Kansas City, Tuesday evenings in Lawrence, and a couple of Saturdays for beginners and women.

Racing begins locally on October 9th, but if you can’t wait that long, the midwest series begins in Iowa on October 1st and 2nd.

Mike Berning and the KCOI/Boulevard folks offer weekly training clinic:

Clinic info. These folks are also putting on a women’s only clinic on Saturday September 17th: Fast Women 

Here’s What’s going on in Lawrence From Matt Mckillip: Tuesday Night Cyclocross Training Races – Lawrence, Kansas
Come and get a great workout starting this coming Tuesday
evening, September 6th. Course set up at 6:00, Race start at 6:30.
This first race will be held at the KU soccer fields located at
23rd and Iowa (parking off of the 23rd street entrance,
approximately ¼ mile west of the intersection of 23rd and Iowa).
This will allow for a fast, flat course with several barriers so you
can get plenty of practice on mounting and dismounting.
We hope to put on three to four of these practice races on
Tuesday evenings (or longer if there is enough interest). The races
will move from park to park around the city each week to work on
different skills as long as the areas are dry to minimize damage to
the terrain. We will announce the next week’s location on this list
serve, and also at the race.This will be a low key event, without any fees for the participants.
Anyone is encouraged to come out, whether you have been cross
racing for years, or want to try one for the first time. We will try
and spend some time prior to each race discussing technique (if
anyone is interested), and then race for approximately 40 minutes.
You don’t have to have a cyclocross bike. We encourage anyone to
race on their mountain bike as well.Questions or comments?
Please contact: Matt McKillip mckillip@sunflower.com 785-312-0202

As of 9/13 this is the local race schedule:

 Sun, 10/09  Lantern Rouge CX – Leavenworth, KS
 Sun, 10/16  Boss Cross #1
 Sun, 10/23  Boss Cross #2
 Sun, 10/30  Boulevard Cup
 Sat, 11/05  Boss Cross #3
 Sun, 11/06  5th Annual CrossLogic CX Challenge
 Sun, 11/13  Hawk Cross
 Sun, 11/20  Haven’s Park CX
 Sat, 12/03  UCI Event (Venue TBA)
 Sun, 12/04  Kansas/Missouri Combined State Championships